Watch here the LASI 2021 keynotes by Barbara Wasson and Xavier Ochoa.
Learning Analytics track at TEEM 2021 conference
You can consult here the full call for papers for the Learning Analytics track at TEEM 2021 conference. Deadline: 4th July. Last editions of the learning analytics track, one of the conclusions of the track was that variety (of topics, techniques, data sources, contexts, users) was necessary for the field to expand and advance, at the peril of a fragmentation that now seems inevitable. The fragmented landscape of learning analytics has its own perks, though. Nearly eight years after the first Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, we have now a clearer view of all the different aspects, technologies, algorithms and scope of application […]
Webinar: Algoritmos de Minería de Datos para la Clasificación de Estudiantes y Predicción del Rendimiento Académico (Cristóbal Romero)
El próximo webinar de SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) tendrá lugar el día 17 de junio a las 16:00h. Resumen: La posibilidad de poder predecir/clasificar el rendimiento de los estudiantes es muy importante en los sistemas de e-learning, y un área muy prometedora para conseguir este objetivo es la utilización de técnicas de Minería de Datos (MD). De hecho, una de las técnicas más de la MD en Educación es la clasificación y diferentes algoritmos se han utilizado con éxito desde hace años. En este WebMinar vamos a hacer primero una revisión histórica de uno de mis artículos pioneros […]
LASI Spain 2021
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2021 (LASI Spain 21) Hybrid – Barcelona, July 7-9 2021 Learning Analytics in times of COVID-19: Opportunity from crisis One year after the declaration of COVID-19 as a world pandemic by the WHO, the virus outbreak has changed the landscape of education. Instructors from educational institutions across different levels (K-12, Higher Education) had to shift to emergency remote teaching overnight. In most cases, this change has entailed (forceful) adoption of blended learning and online learning approaches. However, the benefits and adequacy of these approaches to the “new normal” also comes at a cost: as learning […]
Webinar: The fundamental advantage of temporal networks in collaborative learning (Mohammed Saqr)
The next SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) webinar will take place on April 22nd at 16:00h. Enter this link to see more information. Overview: There have been remarkable efforts in studying collaborative, social and learning networks using Social Network Analysis. Such efforts have demonstrated the wealth of insights that network analysis could bring. However, the majority of network analysis research has used static networks, i.e., aggregated networks that compile interactions without taking time into account. Therefore, temporal networks have emerged as a subfield of network science that is concerned with the study of time-ordered interactions. As a paradigm, temporal […]
Webinar: Comunicando el RGPD “con Sentido” RGPD: un pequeño paso para el hombre…un gran paso para la privacidad (Camino Fernández)
El próximo webinar de SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) tendrá lugar el día 11 de marzo a las 16:00h, a través del siguiente enlace: Resumen: Desde el 25 de mayo de 2018 es aplicable de forma directa, y obligatorio en todos sus elementos, el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 General de Protección de Datos (RGPD). El marco normativo que establece el RGPD afecta especialmente al mundo del software, presentando multitud de implicaciones que en general desconocen tanto los desarrolladores como los usuarios finales. Poniendo el foco en el tratamiento de los datos, trataremos el ámbito de aplicación del RGPD sobre los […]
Seminar on: Tools and experiences in Learning Analytics
Date: Friday, January 15th, 2021 The seminar will start at 15:00 through Bb Collaborate platform, with the following program: 15:00 – 15:40 «Learning Analytics based on big data». Alexandra Cristea, Professor, Head of the Innovative Computing research group and Deputy Head at the Computer Science Department, Advisory Board Member at the Ustinov College, Durham University. 15:40 – 16:20 «Applying Learning Analytics in Living Labs for Educational Innovation». Tobias Ley, professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation at Tallin University. Head of Center of Excellence on Educational Innovation. (English) 16:20 – 17:00 «Adaptation, Adoption and Learning Analytics Pilots in Latin America». Pedro J. Muñoz Merino, professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and […]
Impartición de cursos sobre Learning Analytics
Davinia Hernández-Leo, (TIDE-UPF y SNOLA) impartió el curso titulado “Analítica de aprendizaje: Conceptos, casos y retos” (Learning Analytics: Concepts, cases and challenges) a investigadores de la Universidad de Vigo el pasado 28 de octubre de 2020. Parte del contido impartido resumía ejemplos de resultados científicos de los grupos de investigación que forman parte de SNOLA (Martínez-Monés et al., 2020), asi como casos de investigación trabajados por TIDE-UPF. Así mismo, Ishari Amarasinghe y Davinia Hernández-Leo, de TIDE-UPF, realizaron una “Guest Lecture” sobre Analíticas de Aprendizaje (Teachers’ Adaptation of CSCL Scripts in the Classroom) en un curso del MIT el pasado 21 de octubre de […]
Webinar: Interpretabilidad y Explicabilidad en Inteligencia Artificial (Enrique Onieva)
El próximo webinar, titulado Interpretabilidad y Explicabilidad en Inteligencia Artificial e impartido por Enrique Onieva, tendrá lugar el día 14 de octubre a las 15:00h, a través del siguiente enlace: Puedes consultar el evento aquí. Interpretabilidad y Explicabilidad en Inteligencia Artificial Ponente: Enrique Onieva – Fecha: 14 de octubre 15:00h Resumen: El campo de la Inteligencia Artificial, impulsado por el Machine Learning y Deep Learning ha experimentado avances excepcionales en la última década, donde hemos visto aplicado su potencial en un ámplio abanico de entornos, desde la industria en diversos dominios, hasta la tecnología, la salud, la ciencia y muchos más. El objetivo clave del […]
Learning Analytics track at TEEM 2020 conference
You can consult here the full call for papers for the Learning Analytics track at TEEM 2020 conference. Last editions of the learning analytics track, one of the conclusions of the track was that variety (of topics, techniques, data sources, contexts, users) was necessary for the field to expand and advance, at the peril of a fragmentation that now seems inevitable. The fragmented landscape of learning analytics has its own perks, though. Nearly eight years after the first Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, we have now a clearer view of all the different aspects, technologies, algorithms and scope of application of learning […]