Salamanca, June 20-21, 2022
Learning Analytics: Here to stay
The COVID-19 pandemic had a massive impact on face-to-face teaching methodologies. Several methodologies arose to overcome the health emergency through digital means, which also involved adapting both instructors and students to online learning approaches. Although this crisis has served as an opportunity to embrace new methods and tools, some may see these changes as a temporary stopgap as the situation normalizes to return to previous teaching methodologies subsequently. However, the sudden shift from face-to-face to online education has paved the way for some research areas to shine. In this sense, learning analytics provide the necessary methods to not only analyze and improve learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic but to maintain quality teaching and learning methods even after we get to the “new normal.”
The eleventh edition of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2022 (LASI Spain 2022) (https://lasi22.snola.es), organized by the University of Salamanca and SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) (https://snola.es), is part of the global LASI network https://www.solaresearch.org/events/lasi), conceived as a platform to catalyze educators, technologists, researchers, enterprise and policymakers around shaping the next generation of learning infrastructures to truly serve the needs now facing the education sector.
The Call for Papers of LASI Spain 2022 invites researchers from Spain, Latin America, and around the globe to submit original research and work in progress that further contributes to advances in the field.
LASI Spain 2022 welcomes both quantitative and qualitative work related to the topics of interest within the broad theme of design, development and adoption of learning analytics and aims to cross interdisciplinary boundaries that help expanding our understanding of current and future trends in learning analytics.
LASI Spain 2022 aims to address state-of-the-art advances in learning analytics, and to gather multidisciplinary but complementary approaches from different fields, such as Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Education, Sociology and Psychology. This Call for Papers is open for submissions covering, among others, the following topics:
- Learning analytics oriented to assessment of competences.
- Learning analytics and self-regulated learning.
- Adaptive learning.
- Theoretical advances in learning analytics.
- Ethical and privacy issues of learning analytics.
- Institutional adoption of learning analytics.
- Technological developments and learning analytics: interoperable
- Multimodal learning analytics.
- Physical spaces, virtual environments and virtual worlds.
- Discourse and sentiment analytics.
- Social learning analytics.
- Data transformation processes for learning analytics.
- Connection of learning analytics with learning design.
- Learning analytics in personal learning environments (PLEs)
- Learning analytics in Smart Learning Environments (SLEs)
Important dates
Call for papers
- 29 April 2022 – Papers submitted
- 23 May 2022 – Papers’ acceptance notification
- 30 May 2022 – Camera ready papers
- 20-21 June 2022 – Papers at LASI Spain 2022
Call for workshops
- 29 April 2022 – Submission of workshop proposals (https://bit.ly/3coHQm0)
- 23 May 2022- Workshops’ acceptance notification
- 30 May 2022 – Workshops’ sites launched
- 20-21 June 2022 – Workshops at LASI Spain 2022
Doctoral Consortium
- 29 April 2022 – PhD candidate application deadline
- 23 May 2022- Doctoral Consortium acceptance notification
- 30 May 2022- Doctoral Consortium reviews
- 20-21 June 2022 – Doctoral Consortium at LASI Spain 2022
Submission formats
Research papers and doctoral consortium submissions will be handled through EasyChair, with the submission process available at the following URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lasispain2022
Apart from the Doctoral Consortium submissions, all papers will be reviewed through a double-blind review process, i.e., the papers should not include any information about the authors and should be in English.
Workshop/tutorial proposals can be delivered through the form available at https://bit.ly/3coHQm0. Submissions must strictly follow Springer Conference Proceedings guidelines for contributions (https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelines).
Accepted research papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, via CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS).
- Long Papers, describing original work that has not been previously published. 12-15 pages, published in CEUR Conference Proceedings
- Short Papers, enabling authors to share late-breaking results. Max. 6-8 pages, published in CEUR Conference Proceedings
- Doctoral Consortium, focused on inviting students to present and obtain feedback on their dissertations. 6 pages, specific track, not published in Proceedings
- Workshop proposals, providing a platform for presenting novel ideas and emerging areas in LA. 4 pages, online form, not published in Proceedings
Best paper award
LASI Spain 2022 will recognize the best paper of the edition (selected by the committee of the conference).
Authors with the best papers will be invited to prepare and submit extended versions to be considered, after a new peer review, for publication in special issues in scientific journals.
More information
- http://lasi22.snola.es
- http://snola.es
- Twitter: @snolaresearch