Just published a new paper about the differences between learning analytics and educational data mining

“Reviewing the differences between learning analytics and educational data mining: Towards educational data science” by SNOLA member, Rebeca Cerezo, Juan Alfonso Lara, Roger Azevedo, and Cristóbal Romero, has recently been published in Computers in Human Behavior. This work takes part in the special issue “Learning Analytics Ten Years After: A Retrospective and Research Agenda” edited by Nicolae Nistor Ángel Hernández-García Miguel Ángel Conde. You can access it for free before March 18, 2024, at https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1iVcU2f~UWQURS Stay tuned for more papers on the special issue!

Davinia Hernández-Leo, miembro de SNOLA, participa en un Libro Blanco sobre AI y LA en Educación 

Davinia Hernández-Leo, del grupo de investigación TIDE de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra y miembro de SNOLA, ha participado como experta en la elaboración y presentación del Libro Blanco sobre la Inteligencia Artificial y Análitica de Datos aplicada a la Educación y la Lengua. La presentación fue el 30 de enero de 2024. Tanto el libro blanco como la presentación del libro están disponibles en esta web. Se trata de una iniciativa liderada por el CIDAI, Centro de Innovación para la Tecnología de Datos y la Inteligencia Artificial, con la participación de expertos. El objetivo de este libro blanco es contribuir […]

Webinar: IA para el análisis del audio en contextos de enseñanza (Óscar Cánovas)

The next SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) webinar will take place on January 18, 12:00h. Access the recording here: https://canal.uned.es/video/65ae1346429cb226fb140e52 Title: IA para el análisis del audio en contextos de enseñanza Overview: En el ámbito de la enseñanza, durante el desarrollo de las clases, se producen distintos patrones en el discurso y en las interacciones de los actores participantes. El análisis de dichos patrones puede resultar una fuente de información fiable a la hora de caracterizar las actividades desarrolladas. Sin embargo, para los participantes resulta un reto mayúsculo ser conscientes de la naturaleza y distribución de las actividades en el […]

Talk by Zeynab (Artemis) Mohseni as part of the Research Series at the Higher Polytechnic School, University Autónoma of Madrid

During October and November 2023, Zeynab (Artemis) Mohseni, a researcher and member of the EdTechLnu research group at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University (Sweden), conducted a pre-doctoral research stay with the GHIA research group at the Autonomous University of Madrid. On November 27, 2023, she presented a talk titled ‘Learning Analytics Dashboards (LADs) to Explore Performance and Engagement of Students in Both Primary/Secondary and Higher Education”, as part of the Research Series at the Higher Polytechnic School, University Autónoma of Madrid. More information: https://intranet.eps.uam.es/Publico/VisualizarSeminarioEspecifico?id_seminario=460 

Keynote by Dr. Ruth Cobos at the 18th International Congress on Science and Technology 2023 (CIT 2023)

El 13 de noviembre de 2023, la Dra. Ruth Cobos perteneciente al grupo de investigación GHIA de la Universidad Autónoma de Madríd impartió la ponencia inaugural titulada “The Teaching-Learning Experience in MOOC supported by Learning Analytics and Multimodal Learning Analytics Approaches” en el XVIII Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinarios de Ciencia y Tecnología 2023 (CIT 2023) organizado por la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Campus Sangolquí en Quito, Ecuador del 13 al 17 de noviembre de 2023. On November 13, 2023, Dr. Ruth Cobos, a member of the GHIA research group at the University Autónoma of Madrid, presented the academic keynote […]

Seminar by Dr. Ruth Cobos at Teachers College, Columbia University

El 16 de octubre de 2023, la Dra. Ruth Cobos perteneciente al grupo de investigación GHIA de la Universidad Autónoma de Madríd impartió el seminario invitado de investigación titulado “Multimodal Learning Analytics Approaches in e-Learning” en el ciclo DFI Speaker Series del Teachers College de la Columbia University, New York, EEUU. On October 16, 2023, Dr. Ruth Cobos, a member of the GHIA research group at the University Autónoma of Madrid, presented an invited research seminar titled ‘Multimodal Learning Analytics Approaches in e-Learning’ as part of the DFI Speaker Series at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York, USA. More […]

Keynote by Davinia Hernández-Leo at Summer School AIHub about Artificial Intelligence and Education

This morning Davinia Hernández-Leo has given a keynote and participated in a panel in the Escuela de Verano AIHub about Artificial Intelligence and Education at CaixaForum Mayaca (Barcelona) – educators track. The summer school is organized by CSIC and EduCaixa. Her keynote was entitled (in Spanish), “Ganar en efectividad y eficacia en educación a través de las analíticas de aprendizaje”.  And the title of the panel was “Aprendizaje Automático (Machine Learning) en el aula: Oportunidades y limitaciones”, with panel members: Marc Oliveras (Director de Escola L’Horitzó) Jorge Calvo (Director de Innovación en colegio Europeo de Madrid y Profesor en la Universidad Alfonso X) Davinia Hernández-Leo (Catedrática […]

Webinar: Culturally Aware Learning Analytics for Improved Learning and Teaching (Olga Viberg)

The next SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) webinar will take place on February 20, 16:00h. More info here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entradas-snola-webinar-culturally-aware-la-for-improved-learning-and-teaching-542532759087  Title: Culturally Aware Learning Analytics for Improved Learning and Teaching Overview:Learning analytics (LA) have been implemented in different countries with the purpose of improving learning and supporting teaching; yet, largely at a limited scale and so far with limited evidence of achieving their purpose. Even though some solutions are promising, their transfer from one country to another might prove challenging and sometimes impossible due to various technical, social, contextual and cultural factors. In this talk, we will argue for the importance of […]

Webinar: Exploring Small Group Interactions with Collaboration Analytics

The next SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) webinar will take place on December 1st at 16:00h (CET). You can access the webinar recording at: https://canal.uned.es/video/6389c21db9130f00fc791542. Title: SNOLA Webinar: Multimodal Learning Analytics in Real-world Practice: A Bridge Too Far? Overview: Recent developments in Collaboration Analytics (CA) collect multimodal data that utilize sensors, video, audio, and human observations from real-world teaching contexts, producing promising results, especially regarding small groups of learners’ interactions. By datafying/quantifying the interactions between people, it is possible to trace patterns of how small groups work together. However, we must ground this technological approach with theory and in context, […]

Seminario eMadrid sobre “Análisis de Aprendizaje Multimodal”

El seminario tendrá lugar el viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2022 – 11:00, en la Sala de grados del edificio A-Alan Turing (A-120), Escuela Politécnica Superior – UAM La entrada a este seminario es gratuita pero exige registro previo El seminario se podrá seguir también a través de Blackboard Collaborate  Puedes consultar más información a través de este enlace.