La profesora Alejandra Martínez Monés, del grupo GSIC-EMIC de la Universidad de Valladolid y coordinadora de SNOLA, ha participado como ponente invitada en el Congreso CSEDU 2024 celebrado en Angers, Francia, entre el 2 y 4 de mayo de 2024. En esta ponencia, de título “The Teacher in the Loop: Co-design Approaches to Increase Teacher Agency with Learning Analytics”, la ponente pudo presentar algunos de los resultados obtenidos en un trabajo realizado por componentes de la red SNOLA sobre la percepción del profesorado universitario sobre las posibilidades de las herramientas de analítica de aprendizaje. Alejandra también participó en el panel de expertos con los otros ponentes invitados, titulado “Sustaining educational futures with Intelligent Technologies”. 

Abstract:  The adoption of learning analytics (LA) and other intelligent technologies by teachers has faced obstacles, with one major issue being that existing tools often fail to align with teachers’ needs and the specific constraints of their teaching environments. This misalignment has had a detrimental effect on teachers’ agency. To address this issue, human-centred approaches applied to the design of learning technologies advocate for the use of co-design methods that enable teachers to express their needs and goals. In this talk, I will present several examples of how teachers can be supported by processes, models, and tools at different stages of the design process of LA-based tools and interventions. Drawing on these examples I will discuss how co-design approaches relate to the trustworthiness of intelligent technologies in the classroom, with a particular emphasis on promoting teacher’s agency.