LASI 2020 Proceedings Available

The LASI-SPAIN 2020 proceedings are now online at Table of Contents Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2020. Learning analytics: Time for adoption? (Preface by the editors)1-8 Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Aihnoa Álvarez, Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez, Yannis Dimitriadis Performance Prediction An initial analysis of prediction techniques as a support for the flipped classroom9-16 Aarón Rubio-Fernández, Pedro Manuel Moreno-Marcos, Pedro José Muñoz-Merino, Carlos Delgado Kloos Looking for a dropout predictor based on the instructional design of online courses17-24 Salvador Ros, Agustín Caminero Combining clustering and sequential pattern mining to detect behavioral differences in log data: conceptualization and case study25-38 Juan Antonio Martínez-Carrascal, Elena Valderrama, Teresa Sancho-Vinuesa Early prediction of students’ efficiency during online assessments using […]

LA-SIG Webinar – Design principles for human-centered actionable learning analytics

The last webinar by Yannis Dimitriadis, entitled Design principles for human-centered actionable learning analytics, can be consulted here. Abstract Designing for effective and efficient pedagogical interventions and orchestration in complex Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) ecosystems is an increasingly challenging issue. In spite of the significant potential of Learning Analytics (LA) research, it is still unclear how can LA be designed to position teachers as designers of effective interventions and orchestration actions. This talk argues for Human-Centered Design (HCD) and orchestration of actionable learning analytics. It provides a review of needs and existing approaches for HCD in LA is provided, and it proposes […]

LASI Spain 2020 Registration

LASI Spain 2020 has no registration fees, but Registration is required to allow you access all its on-line sessions and keynotes (see LASI 2020 Programme). By registering to the Conference, you will have early access to the accepted papers. You will be able to actively participate in the on-line discussions, and in the informal meetings that will be organized (virtual coffees) during the Conference. We kindly ask you to register to LASI Spain by using this Registration Form. Registration LASI Spain 2020 es un evento gratuito, pero es necesaria la Inscripción para permitirle el acceso a todas sus sesiones virtuales y […]

LASI Spain 2020 will be an online conference

Dear LASI Spain community,  Due to the COVID-19 situation, which does not recommend traveling and social contact in the next months, SNOLA has decided to organize LASI 2020 fully online.  We will work from now on to organize a good quality on-line conference, with opportunities of scientific interaction and social networking. The recent example of LAK’20 makes us think this is possible. Being online has also some advantages: It will facilitate attendance to those that could not travel to Valladolid in June. We will have the opportunity to invite international keynote speakers that otherwise would not be available to participate […]

LASI Spain 2020: CoVid-19 Official Statement

CoVid-19 Official Statement To authors and potential participants in LASI Spain 2020: SNOLA, as organizer of LASI Spain 2020 is aware of the current situation of uncertainty derived from the CoVid-19 outbreak regarding the actual celebration of the event as it is planned. In order to facilitate your plans regarding this event, we communicate these decisions: We have adapted the deadline for paper submissions (all tracks) to April, 26th May, 3rd, 23:59h CET.  We will hold an event, and the authors will have the opportunity to present their work to the community. We are constantly monitoring the situation, and while we maintain at this […]

Webinar SNOLA: Daniel Amo “Blockchain y educación: rompiendo conceptos”

¿Se está usando Blockchain como un martillo en busca de clavos? En este webinar, y desde una perspectiva crítica pero con afán positivo, se dará respuesta a la pregunta que lo vehiculará haciendo un recorrido por cuestiones tan diversas como qué es Blockchain, qué sentido tiene en la práctica educativa, cuáles son los principios de esta tecnología de bloques y cómo de cerca o alejada está de sus principios básicos de transparencia e inmutabilidad en su implementación en educación, qué soluciones existen ahora mismo y cuál es el estado de arte en cuestiones de investigación. Dr. Daniel Amo Filvà (Badalona, Barcelona, […]

LASI Spain 2020 – Doctoral Consortium

LASI Spain 2020 Doctoral Consortium  CoVid-19 Official Statement To authors and potential participants in LASI Spain 2020:  SNOLA, as organizer of LASI Spain 2020 is aware of the current situation of uncertainty derived from the CoVid-19 outbreak regarding the actual celebration of the event as it is planned. In order to facilitate your plans regarding this event, we communicate these decisions:  We have adapted the deadline for paper submissions (all tracks) to April, 26th May, 3rd, 23:59h CET.  We will hold an event, and the authors will have the opportunity to present their work to the community. We are constantly monitoring the […]

LASI Spain 2020 – Workshop Proposals

CoVid-19 Official Statement To authors and potential participants in LASI Spain 2020:  SNOLA, as organizer of LASI Spain 2020 is aware of the current situation of uncertainty derived from the CoVid-19 outbreak regarding the actual celebration of the event as it is planned. In order to facilitate your plans regarding this event, we communicate these decisions:  We have adapted the deadline for paper submissions (all tracks) to April, 26th May, 3rd, 23:59h CET.  We will hold an event, and the authors will have the opportunity to present their work to the community. We are constantly monitoring the situation, and while we maintain […]

LASI 2020 – Call for papers

Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2020 (LASI Spain 20) Valladolid, June 15-16 2020 CoVid-19 Official Statement To authors and potential participants in LASI Spain 2020:  SNOLA, as organizer of LASI Spain 2020 is aware of the current situation of uncertainty derived from the CoVid-19 outbreak regarding the actual celebration of the event as it is planned. In order to facilitate your plans regarding this event, we communicate these decisions:  We have adapted the deadline for paper submissions (all tracks) to April, 26th May, 3rd, 23:59h CET.  We will hold an event, and the authors will have the opportunity to present their […]