The Experiment@ International Conference is the 4th event of this biennial conference series dedicated to online experimentation. It provides a forum of discussion and collaboration between academics, researchers and industry trying to bridge the gap between academic applications and the real world needs and experiences.
This year the event was held at University of Algarve, in Faro, Portugal, on June 6-8, 2017. The topics of interest were online experimentation, remote & virtual labs, remote sensing, remote monitoring, Intelligent learning systems, smart university and smart education among others.
As part of the programme, a presentation of the SNOLA network was made by the SNOLA member Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez in the IEEE session, organized by the Spanish and Portuguese chapters of the IEEE Education Society. Manuel introduced the goals and activities of SNOLA, providing specific information about the next events, particularly the LASI Spain to be celebrated next July 4-5 in conjunction with eMadrid at UC3M Puerta de Toledo Campus.